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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Miracle Megan

Three years plus ago, my baby girl was conceived. At the routine blood tests, she was diagnosed to have Down Syndrome. The percentage of this being accurate was over 90%. Her growth was also slow and she was on the small side. Besides these challenges, she had to fight the fibroids in my womb and face the possibility of inheriting alpha thalessemia from me.

We prayed and trusted God based on His promises made to Abraham and his descendants in the Bible and decided against going for further tests. It was a 'scary' 6 months of waiting and trusting in the Lord. Buckets of tears were shed and nights were spent in prayers.

By God's Grace, on 31 Jul 2005, she was born normal and healthy. She is our precious girl, Miracle Megan. She is now 3 years plus old and a very intelligent girl. She is a constant reminder of God's wonderful provision in our life. The story of miracle megan continues, with all the miraculous things she can do at her age. I hope to share more in this blog where possible.

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